Tempe Holistic Health


Get the care you need, from professionals

who are leaders in their fields. 

Get the care you need from professionals.

Who are leaders in their fields? 

Modern lifestyle is rife with chronic fatigue and stress levels, junk foods, and exposure to hazardous chemicals through water, air, personal care products, and cleaning supplies.

So holistic treatment is essential to help you achieve overall well-being and true healing. For people living with undiagnosable symptoms and chronic illness, they have been failed by the modern healthcare industry. These people are better off turning to holistic treatment to receive some whole-body healing. 

Holistic health can also consider the many environmental and other external factors that could be impacting or contributing to our wellness and overall health, as well as the climate change that affects our environments increasingly with each passing day.

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Aspects of alternative/holistic health 

There are five aspects of alternative/holistic health: emotional, physical, social, mental, and spiritual. 



Western medicine usually overlooks emotionality, but it is just as crucial to our well-being as physical health. Our emotional health has a direct impact on our physical health. 

 You can take care of your emotional health by:

  • You are seeking appropriate therapy whenever a need arises. Treatment can effectively support your emotional health and thus should be used whenever needed. 
  • Keep a diary to document your feelings and thoughts. Your emotional journal will help you realize what you are grateful for, which can help bring much positivity during times of stress. 
  • Practice mindfulness and other anxiety reduction techniques to help you manage your daily stressors.


When you think about your health, you feel about your physical health. It is what traditional medicine focuses on whenever you go to the doctor. It is also mainly the physical body showing signs of optimal or suboptimal well-being. Physical symptoms are often significantly more straightforward to trace and measure than non-physical symptoms, which usually feel abstract. 

 You can support your physical health using a wide range of techniques, including: 

  • Get enough sleep (at least 8 hours each night): A good night's sleep allows your body to rest efficiently and rest from the day.
  • Maintain optimal blood insulin by eating snacks and foods with protein, carbs, and fat after every 3 to 4 hours. 
  • Eat balanced-diet meals high in pastured organic or animal products and a plant-based diet.
  • Avoid excessive alcohol consumption and smoke.
  • Reduce consumption of hydrogenated oils since they are highly inflammatory and known for increasing the risk of chronic illness.


Suppose you want to be among the happiest people on the planet. In that case, you must develop deep connections with your family, community, and friends. This is why you see religion being associated with happiness. It offers a profound sense of support and community, regardless of your chosen faith. 

 You can enhance your social health by: 

  • By getting involved in the local community through local volunteering or your local church, you will find new ways to support your social health and enhance your overall happiness. 
  • Develop some in-person connections: Though modern life has been dramatically affected by technology, which makes us feel connected with almost everyone regardless of their location, a specific study has shown that online connections do not offer you the same level of happiness and fulfillment as an in-person connection. 


Another aspect of holistic/alternative health is our mental health, which can sometimes intersect with physical and emotional health. However, the main difference between emotional and mental health is that mental health represents your cognitive capabilities that can impact how your brain works. In contrast, emotional health is mostly your daily emotions and moods. 

 You can enhance your mental health by: 

  • Eating nutrient-sufficient meals high in omega-3 fatty acids and antioxidants will reduce inflammation and enhance cognitive function.
  • You keep your mind active by learning new things and doing puzzles and brain teasers. 
  • Improve your intestine health using intestine-healing foods such as prebiotic and bone broth or probiotic-rich foods. The brain is connected to your intestines directly; thus, gut health is essential for a healthy mind. 


Lastly, we have spirituality as an aspect of holistic/alternative health. This by no means requires you to become a staunch religious; instead, you should concentrate on how you connect with yourself or your inner soul. 

 You can enhance this by:

  • Spending a few moments every day meditating 
  • Spending some time in nature 
  • Practice your faith if you are religious

The Clinic

Tempe Holistic Health is a premier alternative medicine clinic that focuses on providing patient solutions for holistic health. We believe in the power of what nature offers - green smoothies, healthy bowel movement habits, or getting rid of bed bugs with essential oils as different patients have come to us for help.

Seeing how people can improve their lives and overall wellness through natural means has been incredible. Our aim has always been to create lifelong relationships with each person we work with so they can achieve proper health and live well!

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